THE LITTLE BIRDS are leaving the nest!
We’ve added a Substack column to MyLittleBird and will post new stories there. The column is called Grownup Girl Fashion and will feature finds of the clothing and home/design kind.
Our new address: grownupgirlfashion.substack.com.
Searching for an old story? Not to worry: Our 11-year archive of stories on well-being, food, clothing, decor and beauty will continue to live on MyLittleBird.
- Janet Kelly‘s fashion picks (and sage advice) will be found at the Substack address above.
- Nancy McKeon will use our Substack column to report on home fashions and decorative objects to covet.
- Art Director Kathy Legg will continue to keep us looking good.
- Stephanie Cavanaugh will stow her gardening gear to join us on Substack, writing about fashion, makeup, skincare.
- Mary Carpenter will post future well-being stories in her own new Substack space: carmedpub.substack.com. (She can also be reached by email at carmedpub@gmail.com.)
- Meredith Gallo, our secret online weapon, will keep us alive on social media.
- Kitchen Detail’s Nancy Pollard is starting her own Substack column. (You can now find her reporting and recipes at the Kitchen Detail website lacuisineus.
- And Valerie Monroe‘s wise words on beauty and aging can still be found at her How Not to F*ck Up Your Face address: valeriemonroe.substack.com.