Lifestyle & Culture

The Week That Was, 03.30.2024

March 30, 2024

THIS PAST WEEK LittleBird Mary Carpenter, our Well-Being columnist, explained why the world stinks, meaning she tackled the ever-widening world of scent—often in places where we don’t want it (take that, Bloomingdale’s!). And for some people, Mary explained, it’s more than a simple annoyance.

When we’re not facing up to artificial substances, it seems we’re injecting them into ourselves (and paying good money to do so). Yes, we’re taking about facial fillers, or at least How Not to F*ck Up Your Face columnist Val Monroe was. While she herself is “fairly filler-phobic,” Val consulted with experts who deal with the stuff. Her column is not a screed against fillers; rather, it contains guidelines to getting them done correctly (and, more important, not incorrectly).

Snowdrops (Galanthus elwesii), left, from the White Flower Farm website, and blue Muscari (grape hyacinth), right, from the Burpee website.

Speaking of doing things correctly, or at least advantageously, we had a trio of other posts that offered timely advice. From LittleBird Janet Kelly, an array of spring clothing in the soft blues that are washing over the season. LittleBird Stephanie Cavanaugh devoted her Green Acre column to “minor bulbs,” the little jewels of early spring that deftly step aside as your garden comes back to life.

The last, though hardly the least, was Kitchen Detail’s Nancy Pollard, who marked her transformation from simple chocoholic to a true chocophile. And she presented an itinerary, citing “bean to bar” chocolates from all over, to guide the rest of us. (Oh, what a hardship!)

And news of another kind: This week marks the beginning of MyLittleBird’s newsletter on Substack, where you can find so many cool columns.

Grownup Girl Fashion by MyLittleBird

Fashion and beauty for women over 40. A Substack from the writers who bring you MyLittleBird.
We’ll still be here at MLB, but do come check us out on Substack. You’ll no doubt find other newsletters, on all topics, as well.

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