Tarte Fake Awake Eye Highlighter
By Janet Kelly
WHEN IT comes to makeup, I focus on my eyes. For a full fringe, I apply Too Faced’s Better Than Sex Mascara (before mascara, I use Shiseido’s Eyelash Curler) and Charlotte Tilbury’s Rock ‘N’ Kohl Eyeliner Pencil in midnight for definition. ( Most don’t agree with me but I don’t put eyeliner along the lower because think putting dark eye pencil on lower lids as well as uppers closes up the eye). Instead, I use my favorite new discovery, Tarte’s Fake Awake Eye Highlighter, a twist-open gel eyeliner that glides on and brightens the inner rim with a nude-colored pigment. I also use it on the inner corners of the eyes and and brow bone. A smudger on the other end helps with blending. Finally, to get rid of redness, I put in a couple of Lumify Eye Drops.
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I agree lining the lower lid closes up older eyes, and curling your lashes before putting mascara on is key to opening up your eyes. Another tidbit I’ve picked up is doing your eyebrows. As we get older our eyebrows thin, particularly on the “tail”. You’d be surprised how just adding some color (not matchy/matchy though) at the tail makes your whole eye area light up.
Do you mean add a darker color to the tail? Is there a product you use that you like?
Hmmm. . . I’ve had two eye doctors tell me never use eye drops for redness (just get more sleep!). Any info on why that is or why it’s actually safe?
And let me share that I now love the eyelash curler from Thrive cosmetics. All previous ones seemed to pull at the lashes and occasionally pinch the delicate skin at the lash edge. This one is gentle but puts good curl into my colorless lashes before I apply mascara.