Lifestyle & Culture

MyLittleBird Launched!

March 10, 2014


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SO, MYLITTLEBIRD.COM took flight WednesdayCocktailRecipe1Web, March 12, 2014, at 8:35 in the evening (not that we were looking at our watches or anything). There we were at Susan Calloway Fine Arts Gallery in Georgetown with a whole flock of the MLB family, contributors, well-wishers and the frankly curious.

Upstairs, the generous Susan Calloway had set up a bar and, lo and behold, folks from Bacardi Ltd. showed up to bring the bar to life (okay, we asked them to come). They fashioned a MyLittleBird cocktail from St-Germain, a French elderflower liqueur purchased by Bacardi a year ago. Here’s the recipe, right.

Hot and cold hors d’oeuvre came from Patisserie Poupon, which just happens to be Susan’s neighbor on Wisconsin Avenue. In addition to eating and drinking, we announced the winner of a dinner for two at Le Diplomate. That little treat went to a Well-Being section contributor, Catherine Clifford (you may have read her piece on Botox and emotion).

  – Nancy McKeon



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