A contrarian as usual, she says outdoors is okay, indoors no.
November 4, 2020
It’s time to dress up the exterior for the bleak days ahead.
October 29, 2020
Shuttling plants indoors is messy but it has to be done.
October 14, 2020
LittleBird Stephanie’s sister Jeanie obviously knows how to celebrate a birthday.
September 2, 2020
Henry Mitchell thought Versailles’ gardens looked “stingy.” Here’s the opposite.
August 19, 2020
Rocky’s revival means an un-fishy pond . . . again.
July 29, 2020
‘Stephanie Gardens’ tackles your plant questions . . . in her own quirky way.
July 22, 2020
‘Tis the season of the pandemic quick fix.
July 8, 2020
Flowers failing you? These colorful patio umbrellas won’t.
June 24, 2020