Beat the winter blues . . . with something green.
January 11, 2023
The garden is close to empty, but the living room is pretty full.
January 4, 2023
Floral and floral-adjacent presents can take many forms.
December 14, 2022
You probably already have everything you need to create an extravagant holiday display.
December 7, 2022
Compost? Wood chips? What’s a worry-wart gardener supposed to do?
November 16, 2022
Not to Westeros but the East Coast. Jasmine and mandevilla beware.
November 9, 2022
Cut the hellebores back now, but not the Japanese grasses.
October 26, 2022
With careful layering, something can always be in bloom.
October 19, 2022
Come winter, ornamental kale and cabbage will be the stars of your garden.
October 5, 2022
It’s early for bulb planting but maybe not a moment too soon.
September 21, 2022
This autumn ‘volunteer’ rains down beauty and privacy.
August 31, 2022
Where do plants come from? This city girl didn’t always know.
August 24, 2022