WHAT’S BETTER than Black Friday sales? Easy answer: Pre-Black Friday sales. And, of course, Pre-Pre-Black Friday sales. LittleBird Janet Kelly got us all in the spending spirit last week by tracking down a handful of grownup-girl items that are sure to please someone.
At the beginning of the week, How Not to F*ck Up Your Face columnist Valerie Monroe threw out a possible treatment for a better complexion: salmon! She’s been in Tokyo, where she lives part-time, and has been eating the fish practically nonstop. And that’s when she noticed a certain glow. It’s certainly worth a try, right? Not worth a try, she opined, is the idea of a special spray to highlight the fine hairs on your face so you can shave them off more easily. You read that right. But it’s worth reading the whole answer.
You don’t need all the pumpkins shown in the picture to make the Pumpkin Roll dessert recommended by Kitchen Detail’s Nancy Pollard. A can of pure pumpkin (and a few other ingredients, of course) will do the trick. (The other trick is to do this early in the week, before the kitchen gets crazy and the oven oversubscribed.)
Our other domestic goddess (of a more bohemian sensibility) is LittleBird Stephanie Cavanaugh. On Thursday she sang the praises of dried flowers—and of drying them yourself. The colors fade over time, of course, but it’s a way to give your outdoor garden a winter life indoors.
War is horrible; no one disputes that. But Well-Being columnist Mary Carpenter explored a recent museum exhibition and news items to recount the medical advances made more urgent by war. Their development and wide exposure (and the setbacks, which she also talked about) have led us to acceptance of what’s possible with injuries. Just ask Mary about her bright blue wrist brace! Lots of other people did.
—Nancy McKeon