OH, THE SONGS we could sing in memory of these times. Here are a few popular titles for what I call my Pandemic Playlist to give voice to stretching exercises real or imagined, done in the gym or at home on the floor. Many have been ‘stolen’ from Stephen Sondheim, the so-called bard of melancholy, a mien that seems to suit the present scene. If you don’t like the tune that I’ve assigned to each pose, scramble them to please yourself. Nobody loses in this game.
Music soothes the soul while motion clears the mind.
—Ann Geracimos

“Wouldn’t It Be Loverly”

“What’s the Use of Wonderin'”

“One Day More”

“Losing My Mind”

“Bidin’ My Time”

“Not A Day Goes By”

“Long Ago and Far Away”
Thanks for the comment! Much appreciated. AG
Love this! So different.