Before you fall too deeply in love with Nessie (as in Loch Ness Monster, get it?), we have to tell you it is such a hit that it’s already sold out on the Animi Causa site (www.animicausa.com). But this nylon kitchen ladle from OTOTO Design, $15.99, will be back in a couple of months. Even better, you can sign up for Animi Causa’s newsletter and they’ll alert you to when you can order a Nessie of your own.

You’re looking at one fluorescent bulb hung to show its various profiles, depending on where you’re standing. It’s touted as the first designer low-energy bulb. Created for Plumen by British designer Samuel Wilkinson, each Plumen 001 bulb is $34.95 at www.thegrommet.com. If this particular style doesn’t float your boat, go to Plumen.com to see the other bulbs and pendant lights shown there.

This is almost too exciting for words: an audio speaker we don’t have to look at! Well, we can look at it, but it’s blessedly hard to see. Clio, $395 at www.thegrommet.com, is also wireless and can be paired with up to 16 devices at once. Read the reviews to decide whether you’re too-too sophisticated a listener to appreciate the power and nuance of this little acrylic marvel.

Silly? Yes. But darn cute, a silicone spoon rest in the shape of a, hmm, raviolo? It’s $15.99 at www.animicausa.com.

Awwww, those playful little otters will eat every fish in your pond, but they’re still cute. Here a helpful one holds the tape on your desk. It’s $12.99 at www.officeplayground.com.

For high-tech tea, try this stainless-steel Robot Tea Infuser. It’s $14.99 at www.animicausa.com, and its arms adjust to any size mug.

An old executive-toy standby, the Liquid Wave Paperweight adds color and soothing motion to the top of that boring desk of yours. If you can’t be in Aruba in February, well, you can pretend. It’s $5.99 at www.officeplayground.com.

Staple City is a clever stapler dock that corrals a mini-stapler and all those refill staples. It’s $11.90 at www.animicausa.com. Hint: The b-i-i-i-g “high rise” on the right, under the dome, is the mini-stapler, which is included.